The Renaissance Preschool is located in the lower level of our Church and serves a small group of families from the local community. The preschool is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, September through May. The preschool staff maintains the cleanliness of the lower level of the building which includes two classrooms, two bathrooms, office, kitchen, and cubby area.
The preschool is inclusive and welcomes everyone. Immanuel Church helps us meet our commitment to supporting ethnic and economic diversity by establishing a Scholarship Fund in 2010. The Scholarship Fund enables the Renaissance School to provide financial assistance to families in need. When a lower-economic income family applies to the school and inquires about financial assistance, the director (Dotty Meyer) reviews the family’s income information using the MA State child care voucher system. The Church treasurer oversees the Immanuel Scholarship Fund, and issues checks to the Renaissance School as needed.
The Scholarship Fund has made it possible for 14 children to attend our preschool over the years. Full tuition paying families have also contributed to children receiving scholarship assistance by donating clothing, books, and toys. Families who receive scholarship assistance are grateful for our help, almost as soon as they join the Renaissance School.
Although scholarship funds can easily become depleted, the church continues to maintain the funds to help families in need. Both the church and preschool benefit from having a scholarship fund since it provides a valuable outreach ministry that directly touches the lives of children and parents in our community. Our school community is enriched by the presence of these families as well.
Helping others is fundamental to our preschool mission. Even though the preschool is not directly affiliated with the Church, efforts are made to stay connected whenever possible. Our preschool families have collected clothing, bedding, sleeping bags, food items, coats, boots, and toiletries to help support the guests at Craig's Door Shelter for the past two years.
The Renaissance School warmly acknowledges and deeply appreciates the important role Immanuel Lutheran Church has played in supporting the existence of a preschool in its building. We are so grateful for this continued support which enables us to provide quality preschool experiences to children, some of whom would have never attended preschool without your financial help. The generous support of our congregation members and beautiful physical space truly make it a pleasure to be here!
Respectfully Submitted by Dotty Meyer