Please join us Wednesdays in Lent at 2:30 pm in the Sanctuary for a time of communal prayer anchored in readings and reflections based upon Luther's Small Catechism.

Week 1: Ten Commandments

Week 2: Creed

Week 3: Lord’s Prayer

Week 4: Sacrament of Holy Baptism

Week 5: Sacrament of the Altar

I hope you will be able join us as we explore our faith and Lutheran tradition during this holy season. Pastor Jeffrey

And you are invited to bring your own copies of The Small Catechism if you have one. If not, we will get you one!

Welcome to Immanuel Lutheran Church

God's Love in Action

"Justice is what love looks like in public."

Cornel West

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Lifelong Faith Formation

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Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am, either in person or online via Facebook Live.


Who We Strive to Be


God's Love in Action:

Our Guiding Principles

  • We are a people gathered in Christ and moved by his spirit. Faith into Action.
  • We are fed and sent through joyful worship and music.
  • We are a welcoming congregation that seeks to provide radical hospitality no matter where you find yourself on your journey of faith.
  • We seek to grow in faith and love, based in the teachings of the Bible.
  • Children, young adults, long-time members and curious seekers are an integral part of our worship and missional life.
  • We care for people in need within the congregation, the community, and the world.
  • We are responsible and nurturing stewards of God’s gifts:  our people, our facilities, our finances, and our earth.
  • We value the expertise, intellect and talent shared by our members and community.

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